Are normal this Startapp Numbers?

Hi guys, i have the Startapp Sdk in one of my apps, and I think the stats are too low…

You can see:

Downloads 6,902 — — $ 18.29
Banners — 161,923 $0.10 $ 6.76
Bonus — — — $ 9.14

The app has normal banners, and search wall into. In 6902 downloads, only 1800 are from Usa, so I think is a normal earning. BUT, the ecpm from banner… I don’t know…

Do you recommend another similar Adnetwork, who pay for download and has normal banners?


Same here . I think fill rate dropped %50 and also ecpm too

The higher ecpm day was 0.17. i am using this sdk since 20 days.

Anyone use interstitials ads? If yes, what is the normal ecpm?

Pd:sorry for my english level :slight_smile:

average of interstitial ads for my apps :-
1)1.14 ecpm september
2)1.89 ecpm october
3)1.88 ecpm november
average :- 1.81 ecpm

I second that for my apps

javaexp what do u mean?? are u with me or against it

In another app, I use revmob for interstitial, and the ecpm is around 0.80$

Do you think i get more paid with startapp? I see your 1.81 ecpm, and it sounds great XD

yes I am seeing same average cpm across apps. But apps with U.S. traffic are fetching ecpm of $10+ but traffic from other countries balances it out to $1-$2

do you have used revmov sometime in one of your apps? If yes, the ecpm was like mine?
thanks for your help!

yup ,it will surely

im seeing the same ecpm, so i switched to admob and it was better for a few days , and then even admob slowed down :@

@protonsavy, yes as soon as we send lot of impressions to a network, the ecpm decreases. I found mediation painful too because of those silly adapters.

I used mediation with mopub and the numbers were so pathetic, i changed to admob (no mediation) and life has been much better. Where getting 100 bucks was difficult before ive made 400, so its good :slight_smile: