FAN Interstitial on App start

Does Facebook Audience Networks allow interstitial on app launch?

Yes it does

I couldn’t integrate and get this errors:
The method setAdListener(InterstitialAdListener) in the type InterstitialAd is not applicable for the arguments (Calculator)
The constructor InterstitialAd(Calculator, int) is undefined
Multiple markers at this line
- The constructor InterstitialAd(Calculator, int) is undefined
- The literal 17…_17… of type int is out of

private void loadInterstitialAd(){
interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this, 17…_17…);

Sorry I forgot " " it is ok now.

private void loadInterstitialAd(){
interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this, “172525193120144_172545419784788”);
interstitialAd.setAdListener((InterstitialAdListener) this);

Now how can I show ads on startup?
Is this enough:

Inside your listener onAdLoaded(Ad ad) do;

Can anyone tell me how to join the Facebook audience network and where to download their sdk for android so I can integrate ads?

My app accepted it is public on store now. But I get no impressions, only requests.
When will apps start to show? If user doesn’t have facebook app installed ads will be showed?

If user don’t have fb app installed the only ad he will see if the facebook ad. You must use a fallback mechanism for example set listener for ad if it failed to load any ad use the next ad network.