MobFox payment problems?

Hey guys,

Been working with MobFox (among several other networks) for a while now. And they completely missed one of my payments (serious money, thousands of dollars). It’s more than a month late and support responds sporadically with “we are looking into it” and then no communication whatsoever. (sometimes they just seem to not answer an e-mail at all)
I also heard from other ad networks (who are trying to get in touch with MobFox to update their mediation platform) that they are hard to reach.

Anybody else having problems?
I consider this a huige red flag if it does not get resolved quickly.

Any MobFox support people on this forum.

MobFox Paymnet is terrible. If one app is banned or account disable => url to app is broken => No payment.

Hi BigWhoop,

This is Julian from MobFox. Very sorry to hear about these problems. Any chance you could send me a quick email to julian at mobfox dot com so I can get this sorted immediately?
