Banner ads in every activity or interstial ads at one place?

So I have this music app which is used by 85,000 people everyday .
I display banner ads on most of the screens and I get around 170$ a day.
But I had been thinking to put interstitial ad at one place, the player activity,which gets 450,000-500,000 views each day(meaning it might get 450,000 impressions each day) .
I did put interstial ads at one corner of my app and it gets an ecpm of 2

Also, this activity which gets 500,000 views everyday , is the most important screen. People spend most of the time there, about 3 minutes per session

So i was thinking, if I put interstial ads there, I can easily make 700-1000$ a day, but what I am worried about,is pissing off users. Which I dont want to do, so I would like to know,what would you guys prefer?

Banner ads in every activity or interstial ads at one place(where it matters the most to the user,hence it might annoy them)?

I would put both.

It depends on you want money or user experience.

For sure the Ineterstitial will bother your users… but if your figures are correct, I would give a try to the 700-1000$ per day. Monitor the situation and react quickly if you see a real drop in users…
Also I wouldn’t remove banners even if you add the interstitial.

If you have any scrollable listview content, you should consider adding native ads.

Yes I do have scrollable list view,like at 4-5 activities.I might put the native ads in them I think banner ads are shit now. I was thinking to put a switch on the server with interstitial ads which would allow me to turn them off whenever I want.

Yes the numbers are correct, I monitor them each day on the analytics . But I think interstitals and banners both might be too annoying for them.
Also this player activity has no ads, since it is the most important screen,but again I feel 1000$ a day is too big to miss.

If I were you I will show interstitials to the user every 6-7 times user open the screen along with banners all the time…so it won’t piss off the user. Finally user happy and you will be happy…:slight_smile:

Some Ad Networks have the option to turn off specific Ad placement, so if you use them (or you set up a similar solution yourself) for sure would be a good idea to have every ad switchable On/Off so you can try many solutions and react fast.
As NokiaDev said, consider showing the Interstitial to users every some times they open the App. (also this number should be controlled remotely if possible)
This way you can start trying a less aggressive style (remove a couple of banners position and add Interstitial every 6-7 times), then you can get more aggressive little by little (reduce the time between interstitials, add a couple of banners back, etc) while monitoring user number/engagement.

For sure you should also add native Ads too. You can have a look at Avocarrot in my sign if you need something simple to set up. (maybe take off banners from the pages with listview and native ads)
For sure they will increase your revenue compared to banners on the same page and will bother users less.

don’t get crazy because the money, moreover initially you won’t get those amounts as the user base will be low… I would suggest to keep the banners (native if possible) and integrate interstitial in a way that you won’t bother your user base… I think those should be in the main activity… for example you can show everytime the user click on pause/stop button or between tracks (so when the user unblock the phone the first think he will see is the interstitial…), just some ideas

Ofcourse Interstitials annoy users including we developers too.

But on the same side,we can keep happy everybody. So whole thing what matters is definitely not hole :cool:

Whole thing what matters is that take some happyness for yourself too and give a try for interstitials. Make sure that users are not leaving bad rating and unistall because of that.
Based on 1-2 week experience, react on the situation.
But make sure follow Interstitial guidelines too if you are using admob.

I would definitely try both together. Interstitial during app launch with one provider, and banner with another provider. That will give you a good variety of campaigns from both networks.
However, you do need to control the frequency. Don’t piss off your users too much.

You could build your own interstitial with good design using native ads.

It is a lot of effort if you dont know if it will work or not

Which mediation do you think is the best for native ads?

It’s correct what you said. But it will help if you want to keep the good design of your app.

You would need to try different options to see which one converts better.

You are talking about lot of money, so you should invest as much effort as possible to keep it controlled to don’t take a step in the wrong direction. A/B test in a % of your users.

Yeah,you are right,
I am totally confused right now.
First is I dont want to be using banners only.
I want to use banners in a good mediation. I am not sure about the ecpm I am getting from appodeal.
Then I am not sure which is a good mediation for interstitials and what about native ads?
Which mediation is the best for native ads?

You should consider mediate native ads from the big companies, Admob started to offer them (not to everyone) and FAN. You could work with MoPub, which is more flexible allowing you to work with more networks, but I prefer Heyzap for their simplicity and it’s doing good as mediation, getting really good eCPMs, better than appodeal in my case.

The idea of using Native Interstitial is quite good. If you manage to make it fit the general design of your App (assuming your App has some kind of unique/particular design… if it’s a plain/normal designed utility App in the end I don’t think it would help much), it could really help keeping the users “happy” and allow you to show the interstitial more often.

I am using MoPub for Native Ads (and banners) mediation… only because their integration is simple (similar adapter as Avocarrot). Their dashboard to set up the mediation waterfall is incredibly bad designed and user unfriendly. But again it’s the only (Native Ads mediation) one I was able to integrate (my coding skills are almost zero) and also their SDK seems to work quite good.
Would have probably used Heyzap too if I was able to integrate their Native Ads mediation (as their dashboard set up is a lot easier)

Hi ankit66200,

Clara from AdBuddiz here :slight_smile:

You should definitely earn more with the figures you are producing. Interstitials have a significantly higher success rate than banners, as users are known to suffer from “banner blindness”.

User experience is however important, so choosing the right spot for the interstitial is crucial. I’m not sure if displaying an ad at the very launch of the app is the best idea, as users tend to just close those ads - they want access your app, after all.

Also, running banner ads in parallel with interstitials might make the app seem spammy, which is always a put-off. Another thing you want to think about is that many networks now display video ads, so you need to make sure the sound of the videos does not interfere with the music listening experience too much.

I would suggest displaying an ad at the player activity, if possible when the user clicks the “stop” button or exits the activity (for example to search for a new song). It’s hard to give exact recommendations without having seen the app.

If you want, we at AdBuddiz would be glad to test the app for you and suggest the best place(s) for interstitials. We are specialised in premium, user friendly ads.

Don’t hesitate to send me a PM or email: [email protected] :wink: