What are the best performing ad formats?

Hi guys I’ m new in the app monetisation and I’m looking to add ads in my app. Do you have any suggestion on what kind of mobile ad formats are in the trends and most profitable? I was looking for banner ads, interstitials, native ads and video ads.

Also what are some good ad networks to use?

Hi Deposge,

The best ad types to start off with are the ads the interstitials and video ads, as these typically have better engagement from your users with better assigned CPMs and fill rates. Users have become blind to banner ads, and most can see through native ads, and will not engage with them.

Have you checked us out at Phunware? You can review our media deck at Phunware Pub Media Deck.pdf - Google Drive, sign up with us at ads.phunware.com.
I am available to chat further. Shoot me a PM or I am on Skype under ndavies-phunware.

Phunware Nick

Hi @Deposge and good luck to your app monetization journey

Every ad format that you mentioned has its pros and cons that i would try to summarize here:

Banner ads
Pros: Easiest integration.
Cons: a) Low CTR and rates , b) Most users developed an unconscious resistance to the banner, called the “banner blindness” syndrome.

Interstitial ads
Pros: High CTR and rates.
Cons: Very intrusive and can cause you many bad reviews if not used properly.

Video Ads
Pros: High user engagement.
Cons: a) Non-skippable video can be very intrusive, b) Technical constraints (users need to have a good wifi or 3G / 4G connection).

Native Ads
Pros: The least intrusive ad format that results in higher CTRs and rates.
Cons: You have to customize and maintain them based on your app’s UI.

If you want to stick with native ads I’d suggest to give Avocarrot a try as we are specializing only in native ads providing native in-list, in-feed, native interstitials and custom native ads. Also the integration is really simple and through your dashboard you can customise and maintain your native ad units with the least friction.

You can try Facebook audience network… I am getting 5-8$ RPM …You can try Mobilecore also but its not performing from couple of weeks though. If you are looking for banners there’s nothing that can beat admob…

Agreed for Interstitials.

But i think FAN is doing good for banners too.
FAN and Admob as backfill might be good combination for banners.

That’s what I am doing too.
Also FAN interstitials with AdMob backfill too.

Hi Deposge,

What kind of an app do you have? I might add here that the success of the format depends on your audience. For instance, video ads perform particularly well in game apps. You can further increase your earnings with rewarded video ads (you reward the user for example with game points for viewing an ad).

AdBuddiz is specialised in premium full-screen interstitial ads (static and video) that look great and pay well. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send me a PM or email: [email protected] :slight_smile: