Middle East traffic

Dear all ,

I’ve been looking for ad networks to actually give me a good price of money for my traffic till now its not working well ,I used Revmob a year ago it was amazing (at least 1$ for download) and the same goes to Airpush but now it sucks I’m used to get 7k /monthly now its sad not more than 1k monthly .

I’m trying StartApp and Mobilecore for a now … but i don’t think they are going to be better .

What do you guys think ?


@akour : Here is the stats for August 2013 from one of my apps targeting Middle East Traffic which using TapContext:

         - CPM: $5.29
         - Impressions  :42,033
         - CTR : 14.94%
         - Earnings : [b]$222.34[/b]
  • So far, TapContext is the highest paying ad network for Middle East Traffic and as in my case it’s more than 3x higher than admob.

Is tapcontext good than admob? really?
eCPM: 0.32
RPM: 0.32
Request: 1,556,877
Revenue: $492.96

Yes! without any doubt. Here I reqoute my stats for Tapcontext Versus AdMob from a previous thread.


  • No.Of Apps : 8
  • Installs: 64,529
  • RPMD: $45.61
  • CPM: $2.74
  • Earnings: $2,943.09


  • No.Of Apps : 13
  • eCPM : $0.55
  • CPC Imps :1,961,978
  • Fill rate: 99.16%
  • CTR : 0.76%
  • Earnings : $1,080.56

oh my god!
that was awesome :o

hmm thinking of trying :confused:

Installs: 64,529 ? user install your apps or user install other apps from your ads? :smiley:

64,529 is the number of installs of my 8 apps which have TapContext’s SDK.

maybe i will use tapcontext :smiley:

mobilecore status
impressions :43533
clicks : 1129
ecpm : 0.93$
CTR: 2.5%
most of my users from india and egypt and saudi arabia

mobilecore status here

impressions :47007
clicks : 1957
ecpm :0.25
CTR : 4.16%
Revenue : $11.61

Which ad unit of tapcontext works best. I see banners, interstitial and something RPMD. How are they different. I have registered using your referral link.

@WNASH, I used your referral too. I wonder the same thing, which ad unit did you use and how did you use them (exit, enter, other locations)?

oh, maybe banner, home button, back button, next activity( frequency 30% ), game over or next level :smiley:

Thank you :slight_smile:
Believe it or not, I am still not sure if I go with TapContext or StartApp (I signed up for both) but I am hesitant.

oh, you can intergrate both TapContext and StartApp if you want to.

First of all, thanks javaexp and hanfoosh for kindly using my referral link to sign up for TapContext.

To answer your questions, here I would give some insight on how to optimize the revenue with TapContext based on my 3 months with them :

  • The highest paying ad unit is their interstitial (CPM : $6.24). A best practice is to put it upon exit the app.

  • In order to get higher RPMD, intergrate with longer user engagement type apps. I’m getting super high RPMD of $124.15 for the month of August due to the fact that I have integrated their SDK with my +75k active user app.

  • Tapcontext has offered a new ad unit namely SECURITY CENTRE in their new 3.0 SDK which they claim has incredibly high CPM. Since I just participated in their beta program, I cannot give any data yet.

BTW, to see detail stats on August Earnings for other developers , please visit this page.[(Featured Developers)](https://www.tapcontext.com/featured-developers/)

so any updates about Middle east traffic ??