Admob payment methods

im new to the android app developing world and i have a question about admob payment methods. Currently i have 152.14$ in my admob account and hoping to withdraw them when i reached 250$, my question is , how often they pay developers?(daily,weekly,monthly etc), whats the minimum threshold? , can i use wire transfer to withdraw money from them?


  • Admob pay monthly (They sent the money today for my july earnings!)
  • Minimum is 70€ (I don’t know the value in USD)
  • Wire transfer is possible :slight_smile:

They pay NET-21 basis and the minimum payment is 20$ AFAIK…NET-21 is if you earn 50$ in July they pay you on Aug 21 or 22nd with wire

Thanks for replying,
some of my friends that use adsense told me they had to verify their home address with a pin code that came with a postal card through regular mail before receiving money, do i have to do that on admob? to receive money via wire transfer

Yes, your money will be send from admob to adsense so you have to do exactly the same.