Problem with appwiz stats..

Since yesterday my appwiz stats is not updating… Anybody has the same problem…

All fields are 0 in my dashboard now !!!

i have the same problem

Good Morning Appwiz Developers.
Now dashboard is up and running and we made sure you guys didn’t lose any data!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Have a nice day

Its up and and running already…:wink:

I’m seeing a massive drop for yesterday. Is this to do with the same problem?

Same with me. But now it seems to be working fine.

Yeah it’s fine today, just a drop for yesterday. Is that what you’re seeing?

Spoke with support and it’s being fixed.

Yes , it dropped approx 30% compared to other days.

me too…there is a 30% drop yesterday as in the fig…But today’s stats is fine…I thought the 30% drop was just me…

By the way, has anybody got a payment from them so far?
Do they really pay more than StartApp in the end of the day?

Expecting my first payment any day now. I get about 30% more with Appwiz on the same apps than I do with StartApp.

waiting for the first payment…and they pay more than startapp…but startapp gives a better in-app ads(3D)…

I had a down day and next day was an up day so together = average, was a heartbeat on the graph

They said their system crashed, so they added the remainder of that day’s revenue to the next day is all.

That’s probably true in my case too…

Questions for those who used AppWiz from the beginning: do you have a significant drop in revenue now?

They only pay $0.005 per install and $0.05 per US install.

I saw more like a 50% drop, so it’s good news that was just a problem and not my world (and yours) coming to an end :slight_smile:

I have ~ 80% traffic from USA so I don’t see huge drop (about 5% maybe, what seems logical), but if your traffic is not from USA then it’s very bad change.
You may always implement full 360 SDK then your revenue wouldn’t be cut, but personally I don’t like their in-app ads atm.

Their consultant also told me that they don’t know if they will pay for returning users when they will stabilze, so you may expect more drops.

Yeah their standard model isn’t that good now, but it’s still worth it if you’re using StartApp too.