Find the location of publisher?

We have an app which was stolen.
This is our app:
and this is the app copy from us:
I want to find out who is he. Any way to find out where is he (what is his location or his country)?
Please help!!!
Thank you so much!

uhh i think you made a mistake. those links lead to the same EXACT app, not a clone.

No, i not mistake, I decompiled apk file and view source, all resource and code are the same. I want to find out their location or at least their country, so anyone can tell me is there way to find their location?
:frowning: SOS! Please help me!

Check the links again, both are same.

dude both links are same.

Yep, definitely the same links here.

Sorry, i edited link. Anyone can help me?

If you think your app is stolen, then you should report the app to google rather than try to question him. There is no point in wasting your time to find the developer who stole your app. Report him and it should be taken down soon

If he putting every update you are putting, then make an update that would email you the current location when ran in debug mode.
When he tries it in debug mode, you will get the info.

Or just report it as fellow developer said :slight_smile:

I believe I know who the developer is.
This is a developer from India. The Developer has multiple accounts created and all of them are mostly copy apps and they are using push notification to cross promote the apps between multiple spam accounts. They have multiple accounts banned but just create new ones.

Looking at apps from Wini Games your app isn’t the only one which looks familiar. I have seen many developer accounts with straight 1:1 copy’s and whats interesting always in they app list are some apps with weird icons and screenshots (looks like some kids drawing in MS paint). It’s not first time when I have seen it.

Post it here: BadApps giving a full rundown of the violations at hand.

Also, file a DMCA with Google here:

Thank all of you so much! I email to google to ask about their information. Hope Google will reply as soon as possible.

Dude…Seriously? His app doesn’t even look like yours…C’mon…Developers like you are the reason why I hate google because no offence you have no reason to report or complain about him…big deal its an app in the same niche…deal with it…they look completely different.

No offence and don’t take it personally but like I said…you have no reason to report him. Him having the “same” app as you is not a reason to report.

If you get a response from Google, please share the response. Really curious about how this one will be handled. Good luck.

You can report to Google. But in this case hard to guest what GG will do. You from Vietnam? How can you sell your app because you are not in merchant list?

Thanks, i did. I’m from Vietnam, and this is account which be registered at Euro.

Received an e-mail tonight by a developer who threaten to sue me because my app is in the same niche…The app isn’t even close to his app…sure it does the same thing but my own UI/ETC (never even seen his app before actually)…I paid a developer to make it for me, Seriously…reminded me of this thread and the OP…Why do you need to freak out when someone has an app in the same niche? you think gas stations blow each other up because they are across the street from each other? No…Well…Anyways long story short…if that guy is on this forum. Sue me.

You live in Vietnam and you can have your own account (Bank account in Euro with you name)?

No, that’s my friend’ account