All Adnetworks look here others look here if your wondering why no 1 is making money

Clash of ****ing Clans thats why stiop advertisng the game everyone has it already they advertise the game on tv on every tv station every other commercial, stop advertising so we get new fresh ads, everytime we get fresh ads i notice revenue spikes from like $2 a day on mobilecore and other adnetworks to like $50+ a day.

MobileCorehas installation tracker and it will not show the ad again once the user had it installed

You should be happy that clash of clans is still advertising, because there is nothing new to fill the gap if it were to disappear.
Also, their advertising performs very good. Look at this screenshot: CoC campaign has an ecpm of $5.31 in our game.
It generated 17 installs from 7700 impressions, which is very good.

I got to agree with droidgenie

  1. They say they have installation tracker but when the game 1st came out months ago I downloaded it and didnt like it so I deleted. Now whenever I test apps before shipping all I see is clash of clans.
  2. They might have high CPI but if people rarely install it, than you can have 100,000 impressions and make only $100 bucks. But if its a new app even if the CPI is .50 cents if its new and a lot of people download it then you could make $300 and up from it with same amount of impressions.

Also remember its been in the front page of googleplay for at least 2-3 months most of the people who want it got it.

Are you talking about mobileCore? MobileCoreinstallation tracker is within device only and not stored in their database.

Im totally agree with this.
also unlike other adnetworks, mobilecore seems to show this ads quite often and im getting very low income from MC these days

Me too… Mobilecore was good so far, but last week is just horrible… I’m thinking about leaving them

P.S. It’s time to change signature…:stuck_out_tongue:

I am also thinking about leaving them getting a very low econ :disappointed:

Me too! Revenue from mC is getting lower and lower.

Everyone crying about mC. No Support answers?

Same here, mobileCore is pretty disappointing at the moment. What good alternatives are there though? I really like the weekly payments and how you can just drop in the SDK without having to register an app on their dashboard like so many other ad networks.

Try Appnext. They are doing pretty well these days. My eCPM is very high now (about $4-$5), but it was always at a stable level. That’s why I’m using them for the long run.

Mobvista are also a nice option.

clash of clans doing tv ads is actually a favorable thing for publishers. almost everyone knows about coc, they got high awareness and trust among users. but not everyone downloads it. When u put coc banners infront of visitor , they are more likely going to click on it and checkout or download it.

it should give u high ctr and high ecpm apparently. and since its converting for advertiser, he is going to continue advertising on your app for longer time, more ofter if the competition gets high and when more than 2-3 people competing to show ads on your app, they will have to bid higher to win that space, giving u higher ecpms…

I agree with ragnar, games like CoC and Candy Crash make smaller developers a lot of cash from ads because they have nice ads, that get higher CTR. If not for them, we would have mostly crappy “your phone has a virus” ads or “Windows Server” ads (that I’ve seen in my apps for a while, no one clicked on them of course because who would buy Windows Server from an Android banner ad…).

I agree with ragnar too.