Suggestions for banner ad advertisers?

I’m currently using mobfox to display banner ads in-game, however, recently google put out a notice about the Mobfox SDK causing an “advertising ID policy violation”.

Unfortunately, the game I have - as well as future games and apps - are created using Unity, and mobfox support ignores my requests for information about when their mobfox-unity plugin will be updated, and simply points me to their latest SDK which fixes this issue.

Sadly, I am not technically inclined enough to integrate their updated SDK directly with Unity.

I’m wondering if there are any ad networks out there that do banner ads that you would recommend? I’m looking at banners around the 320x50 size, don’t mind if they are slightly larger/smaller. From my google play statistics, most of my players are in the USA, followed by India, then UK.

Many thanks!

Generally if the plug is from mobfox officially they should release an update. But if the so called mobfox-unity plugin is not done by them, then they are under no obligation to update it.
Either you get the mobfox-unity plugin original developer to update else you need to do it yourself.

airpush, mopub, milenial media, flurry
and for India the best is inmobi, there is info on forum that they cheated somebody but I not believe, inmobie have big brands in their inventory

@sgh: The mobfox-unity plugin is created by mobfox.
@ramzixp: cheers for the suggestions! Checking them out now!

Hi Clockworkwolf,

Sorry to hear your issues with Mobfox. At Airpush our Google Play Bundle 1 SDK has been verified as 100% compliant with all of their ad policies, include advertising IDs sections.

We also have a native unity 3d plugin to make integration quick and easy.

Our 360 and traditional banner ads perform well for developers with solid CPMs and fill rates.
PM me if you would like to chat further.

Airpush Nick

Thank you Nick! I will check out Airpush as well!

Thanks Clockwork. You can sign up for an account with us at Monetize Android Apps - Download Airpush’s SDK and let me know the email address used and I can assist with any questions or setup process.

Airpush Nick