Competition on MobileMoney.Center - win atractive cash rewards and iMac Retina 27"

FORUM IS CURRENTLY DISABLED BECAUSE COMPETITION, everyone is creating new forums and community is spreading out between many domains. This was not my goal to spread out nice community.

If you want, use PixelPower’s forum, MMWA or EMWA forums.
@Akhadian @Pixelpower - good luck and try to not spread out the community. Make one forum, not 5 forums oO.

MMWA, my forum, EMWA forum, pixelpower forum and now my friend want to open his own forum. It’s stupid, bad for community so I give up with my forums.

Forum disabled

Forum disabled

:frowning: I had 10m impressions in the competition! Where are my money?! :slight_smile:

W dupie, weź przestań bo jeszcze jakiś pajac uwierzy i będzie dupę truł, debile tu siedzą :smiley: