Hello guys, anybody know if is mandatory integrate new SDK to apps, cause i’m have at least 200 widgets and dont want to integrate all of them, lol.

Probably yes, but not now. We must wait to new airpush dashboard, probably soon new airpush portal. Now SDK is generating force close errors.

did they split push notifications?

yepp…you can download in-app or out-of -app sdk

Hopefully not!

In the new SDK they added 2 more required permissions (out-of-app SDK):

<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS” />
<uses-permission android:name=“” />

I think it’s quite intrusive to ask for these permissions so I don’t want to add them to my apps.

Yes, think this is very serious. Old SDK must not have those permission.

What do they do with the GET_ACCOUNTS permisson? Do they collect email adresses and sell them to spammers? :smiley:

I already had to remove this permission from my app, because it was denied by some app stores.

Most likely it’s for auto-filling forms in rich media ads. I’ve seen this with other ad networks. Would be good to get some official clarification though.

are you sure?
Google+ sdk uses GET_ACCOUNTS permission(with a good reason of course)…

For the SlideMe app store I had to remove it. They asked me to give a good reason for this permisson or remove it. I did the second one, I had no good reason :slight_smile:

Does the out of app sdk include their smartwall?

Android SDK 6.0 Documentation -

Can I become eligible for weekly payment if I only use in-app sdk :confused::confused:

I had to remove it even though I did have a reason. This is what they said:

FINAL REVIEW: Allow us to be more clear. 1) You need to remove the internet
permissions disclaimer completely from your long description. We provide the
permissions descriptions ourselves for the ones you are explaining. 2) You
must remove the Get Accounts permission. Get Accounts is not permitted for
advertising networks, or AirPush, for applications published with SlideME.
You must remove it. If you re-queue again without removing this permission,
this application will be Forbidden without appeal.

GET_ACCOUNTS is a requirement for Google Cloud Messaging: Getting Started with GCM | Android Developers (For older devices).

I hate SlideMe, they’re even worse than Google Play nowadays. I mean seriously.

Anyways, here’s the obvious question for those that have tested it: How are the banner eCPMs?

I’m wondering that to, I implemented 6.0 into one of my apps to test but only dialog and push ads come up, never app wall

yep, I also never seen anything else than dialog ads from their "smart"wall


can you shoot me over your appid for the app that is causing force close?


The new sdk must include these two new permissions?

Yes, i have tested. If missing one of two new permission, SDK will show exception and the ads could not show.

For me it does not produce any force close but the background when loading ads always black (sample transparent).