how to place interstitial in this particular app

Ok, so I have an app, but I don’t know if I can link it here so I’ll just tell how it works. So you start this app and there is a button “start” and you click it, then u get random word and in the bottom of the screen you have button to generate new random word. Is it possible to implement interstitials in that kind of app? When I put an interstitial on start I got about 10-15% cpr and today I got 24% and I had to change it for banners… But as you know banners don’t get much income.

Do you have any idea how to implement interstitial to avoid accidental clicks?

EDIT: Btw I dont know why but my app is loading slow even if its simple. And ad is loading slow too so sometimes it could show after the menu (few sec). I used eclipse xml+java, will only java app solve this problem?

Maybe you can show interstitial ads once per app session after 3-5 random button clicks. My CTR drop to 3-5% compare to existing 7-9% after remove interstitial on app load.

Regarding the loading slow, I suspect eclipse is the root cause. Eclipse is loaded with a lot of features that are not really necessary for normal native app. I switch to Android Studio and find it very easy to use and quite fast. But it depends on what you want to achieve also.

Ok, I’ll try Android Studio.

I was afraid that I get higher CPR if i use interstitials between generating words cause if somebody is clicking fast can make him click accidentaly. I implemented it and observe for few days.

Thanks for advice :slight_smile:

If the app is loading slow in the device, it’s a programming problem and not about the IDE itself. Anyway, I prefer Android Studio :wink:

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to add that the Airpush SDKs have ad caching features so ads can be preloaded and appear quickly.
Bundle SDK 1.0 Documentation -

LMK any questions.


ernestofndz: yeah you right, I tried this android studio and its almost the same. I guess I should invest my time to learn java…

Anyway I moved my interstitial from start-up to between generating words (once in 20 times) and my views decreased 3 times and my ctr is about 10% now (yesterday and today).

Thanks again.