Admob my revenue doubled after update

Hello everyone,
I have app which has about 1400 downloads dialy, and it was making about 25€ dialy with Admob.
After we updated our app revenue got to 42€.
I am afraid that admob is going to suspend my account becouse it has too much ads.
And just to mention on 29.9.2014. from 00:00h to 03:00 it made 15€ what is really incredible.
Please tell me what do you think, i am afraid of getting my account banned.

why are people always afraid of getting banned? showing too many ads isnt out of the policy, having an app with which serves no purpose but showing ads isnt allowed, and exit ads which appear a few seconds are exiting the app. other than that, you’re good to go

Just to let you know we earned 70€ and day didn’t finished(our average dialy revenue was 25€), i bet there is going to be about 150€ till the end of the day. By the way app has 4.3 rating and it is in top 50 in Health and fitness category. So we are afraid of losing it… Anyway thank you for answer

Don’t worry about high earnings. some advertisers should be bidding high. Google is also earning more because of this. remember that 30% goes to google. :smiley:

I think there is more than just upgrading to new AdMob, have you changed from banner to interstitial? Cause that would definitely shoot your revenue up like that.

@emmastacey thank you for answer, i hope my account won’t get banned @toxic we already had banners and interstitials, i think we just put too much ads and that reason of high earnings
by the way revenue for 30.9.2014. was 123,74 €, and i am afraid of getting banned.

You are welcome however reduce ads because google removes apps from gp with so much ads. I faced this already however your admob is safe.

As you mentioned Health and fitness category, recently launched android watches are known more for tracking/jogging/heart rate measurement etc usage.
Have you given any android wear pluggin recently to your app which is increasing its usage?

just a wild guess.

max 5 interstitial per session?

@BigPanda There are no android wear pluggins in app. @zahraworks There is definently more than a five interstitials per session, a lot more.

Have your actual impressions increased or is it your CPM? Also are your ads in places where the user might accidentally click them like a button being right next to a banner for example almost touching or behind it?