Flurry earnings

Hello! I’m new to android advertising. I read yesterday the whole day in this forum as I wanted to select 4-5 ad networks for my new app that are generating maxim revenue.
I ended up with mobvista, mobilecore and startapp for they’re high ecpm. I also selected flurry as it has analytics and the gaming feature in wich if a person wants ingame money or items he ca just watch a video or download a game and get those rewards.
However I haven’t seen so much discussions about flurry earnings. Are they also high ecpm or they are so popular because of them analytics.
I also would like to mention that I want the game to be a little difficult like candy crush. So if the user looses his lifes he must watch a video or wait to get another one.

For now this is my strategy:
exit ad - StartApp
banner - mobvista
interstitial/rich media - random between flurry, mobvista and mobile core
gaming rewards - flurry

I forgot to mention: my game is something like a puzzle game (imagine candy crush). So on start page and on the win/loose page I have an ad banner, after win or loose the lvl I get an interstitial/rich media and exit app banner.

Should I stick with flurry or drop it with theyr analytics and get airpush or appnext?
If you know a better ad network than flurry for ingame rewards or if you suggest an improvement please post a few lines :slight_smile:

Ok than. :frowning: but at least does anybody know anything about airpush, appnext, flurry regarding the earnings (ecpm) in the last months?

Hello @alecstheone, did you have a look at Pollfish too? Pollfish lives well with other ad networks, provides high payouts and addresses a different marketplace than common ad networks.

With Pollfish new panel you will also be able to see anlytics for your user base like gender, age and other demographics.

Ok thanks for the info andreasv but this network is more related to surfais wich arn’t really the best option for my game. I’m still interested how these 3 networks (airpush, appnext, flurry) are doing lately regarding the earnings.
If anyone used/uses them please post you opinion :smiley:

I tried to use flurry about a year ago but was never able to implement a mopub adapter. Also, their jar is HUGE at about 1.5 megs, so I didn’t try that hard. I still use the old flurry jar from before they got into ads for analytics

@kevinW And what is the revenue at flurry? What ecpm per impressions? Do you know anything about appnext and airpush?

No clue. I never got it to work with Mopub, so I moved on.

@alecstheone i use appnext before and good ecpm at start
after that fewer and fewer
i am looking to flurry and mobile core now
i will show numbers here when i have

ok… anyone else anymore suggestions about flurry, appnext or airpush? :slight_smile:

I tried to use flurry with admob mediation a year back.
But It did not work out well (may be I lost my interest) , I really don’t remember why I left flurry advertising.

But Yes I am using flurry for analytics.


Aham… The only thing that I doubt is that the ads are only a few, are very ugly and the ecpm is pretty low (0.89).
Maybe airpush is better here :slight_smile: