Question about Admob PIN sending

I need to complete the last step to very my admob account. This is, inserthe the PIN number. The admob page is saying that the ping was generated on june, 12, 2014. I have read of cases that it takes 1 month to get to the developer hands but there is something I’m not sure:

They say on the admob page that the PIN will be sent by email, but 2 lines below they say that the PIN will be sent in the range of 3-5 days after the generation date. So, what the hell is this? Does they send it through email or through a postal service?.

Should I reqeust another pin after 21 days of waiting?

Thanks in advance.

Your PIN was sent on 15-18 of June (3-5 days after the generation). My pin took 32 days to arrive, in your case I would expect a little more. You can generate another PIN if you want, any of the PIN will approve your direction.

Thanks a lot for your answer.

So, they finally sent the pin through regular post mail? Or they sent you by email too.


Postal service always, they want to confirm that your direction is true.


Google PIN always come via traditional mail just like roual mail in UK.

it took 63 days for me. i bet does not stay on the top of himalayan heights. usually gety credit card bills with in week.

i dunno why they take so much time.

I got my PIN in a few days. Where do you guys live?

May be you are next to Google mailing office.

But it takes time. sometime even more than 3 months and by that time user click on “generate new pin”. i did this. as i opted for new pin,old pin came within 2-3 days.