Disable adunit in admob

I have an admob app and my interstitials are sometimes delayed likely causing accidental clicks. It’s not a huge problem for android since it only takes a few hours to upload a new APK, but my IOS app has been in review line since sometime last week. Is there a way I can disable the ad unit? I tried setting the country specific settings to an unlikely location with a 100$ Default eCPM and clicking the “disable ad requests to all other countries box” but it still serves ads - at least for now. Perhaps it will disable after more time passes? Any ideas? I don’t want to reject the binary.


did you got solution , if yes May you share?

I don’t recall if I was able to get it switched in admob. However, if you are using a different network with mediation for admob, you may be able to turn it off there.

thank you very much for taking time to respond,
I just contacted someone local and they said even if you use mediation there is no way to stop serving ads from google.
thank you


one of my apps just got removed from GP and I’m serving AdMob ads in it. So there’s nothing I can do to disable ads in that application? I just need to wait for AdMob to disable the ads for me? I’d like to do it myself if possible.

I’d appreciate some help. Thanks.

Currently the only way to disable serving ads in admob is to archive ad unit.