Admob is going to rule everything regarding moentization

I am blown away after looking at the upcoming improvements to admob. Don’t know if other networks can survive this. @jonathan, @startapp what you guys think. The most interesting thing is about showing IAP and ads to different set of users by using admob:

Sound nice. And easy to implement without admob really. I usually remove ads when user buys something anyway. Never had an idea to place ads for IAP in their stead.

man this is awesome … im so excited about it.

ok so hold up,

The segmentation and understanding of users is cool sure, but you could do that with Flurry for a while now.

What happens when I advertise my game inside other games, and I get users that don’t intend on purchasing any i-apps? I pass them off to another game (because they won’t buy shit in my game either I am assuming)? Where does the cycle end?

Well, it looks super cool. hat’s off. Google definitely know how to create good products with real benefits for developers (and not onlt mobile). However, I don’t think this is a game changer, for 3 main reasons:

  1. IAP usually don’t come in addition to ads, but instead of ads. So some of the features will not help a big portion of developers.
  2. Google is already dominating about 35%-50% of the mobile adveretising market (inside apps. Not counting search and mobile web). So even if they go to 70% market share, there’s still a lot of publishers, advertisers and money for all the rest. The market is still growing.
  3. In the end, if Admob is giving you an average or low result (and it happens all the time. Just read 50% of all the threads in this forum), You will still need another ad netowork to compare results. Like we said repeatedly here - the best practice is to always allign yourself with at least 2 netwroks, if not 3.

Having said all that - I can definitely agree that the bar has been raised. It’s up to us to take it to the next level.